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New pattern of medical investment in Europe and the US


In consideration of the new pattern of medical investment in Europe and the US, Health Care Finance Double Asset Forum will bring together many of the world’s top medical authorities from America and Europe, as well as international medical investment experts.

The forum will be held at the Guangzhou Hilton ‘Tianhe’ Hotel from the 8th to 9th September 2015. The experts present at the conference will outline the European successful medical business model, as defined by the concept of holistic medicine, along with the investment and development pattern of European Aged Care and Medical Health Care Group. The participants will be provided with invaluable opportunities through various investment plans resulting from the successful medical business model adopted in Europe and the U.S., with key regard to the concept of holistic medicine. This is a global summit that seamlessly combines academic medical knowledge and investment. Let's look forward to attending this instrumental conference from the 8th September in Guangzhou, China.