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BioData 2008: this year, we will talk money


The event has undoubtedly found its stride at the dawn of its seventh edition. BioData, high mass Romande biotech companies, will take place on 22 and 23 January in Geneva, in the presence of multiple actors in the life sciences sector (see below).

The Geneva Minister Pierre-François Unger. "This is an important event in the field of life sciences, critical to our economy."

The event has undoubtedly found its stride at the dawn of its seventh edition. BioData, high mass Romande biotech companies, will take place on 22 and 23 January in Geneva, in the presence of multiple actors in the life sciences sector (see below).

The world is decidedly fact, some seek money to take the project, others target businesses to grow their wealth. And sometimes, often, they meet and used to start companies. An example was particularly cited yesterday that the lifting of 137 million francs fund performed during its IPO by the Geneva company Addex.

Also jobs

Other funding opportunities are those offered by private and institutional investors looking for good opportunities. But one thing is for sure, this year BioData 2008, there is much talk about money.

Remains that beyond the necessary technological advances to improve the science of health, the forum is also a job creator for regions Romande neighboring France and Rhône-Alpes.

"This is an important event in the field of life sciences, critical to our economy," and confirmed yesterday Pierre-François Unger, Geneva's Minister of Economy and Health.

Place in Russia

Specifically, fifty companies will present to an audience of financial analysts, specialists in venture capital, institutional and industrial investors. All are seeking funding and partnerships. Thirty speakers will also express the plenary.

In addition to playing a regional role BioData is an international convention which over the years has hosted delegations of US, Japanese and Indian. The 2008 will give way to the life sciences of the Moscow region. "This is an area that is just beginning to emerge in Russia but TheGovernment, including the local government in Moscow, is very ambitious," said Hervé Kergrohen, president of BioData, confident "the rich exchanges" that will create during BioData.

Note finally that financial institutions, companies such as CDC Entreprises Innovation, SWX Swiss Exchange, the Swiss Association of Biotechnology or the French-Swiss Foundation for Research and Technology are also its partners.

350 participants on Tuesday

BioData expects more than 350 participants, half of which come from Switzerland, 35% in Europe and 15% from North America.

Of these, 40% are investors, 40% of executives in the biopharmaceutical industry and 20% of opinion leaders in the fields of science, politics and the media.

BioData 2008 has, since its inception in 2001, the support of the BioAlps association. "This year we will sponsor twelve young shoots of the region, including Leman Cardiovascular, ArisGen, DiagnoSuiss and Med Discovery," said Lionel Eperon, its president since July 1. Other sponsors are BioData the Rhône-Alpes Region, Merck Serono and Hewlett Packard. EB